Instagram vs Snapchat - Which social media platform is better for sharing photos and stories

November 10, 2021

Instagram vs Snapchat

It’s hard to imagine a world without social media. From Facebook to Twitter, social media platforms have entirely transformed the way we communicate with one another. Now, Instagram and Snapchat are two platforms that have taken social media by storm. They've created a new way of sharing visual content - through photos and short videos that disappear after 24 hours.

But which platform is better? Let’s compare the features and find out!


When it comes to audience, Instagram has a much larger user base than Snapchat with over 1 billion active monthly users worldwide. In contrast, Snapchat has 500 million active monthly users worldwide.

However, the audience on both platforms differs. Instagram's user base consists of a more mature audience with 32% of users aged between 25-34 years old, while Snapchat's platform is dominated by younger audiences, with 53% of its users aged between 15-25 years old.


Photo sharing: Both Instagram and Snapchat are great for sharing photos, but the way they handle it is different. Instagram focuses on creating a visually aesthetic platform, while Snapchat is more about sharing raw and real moments.

Filters and Effects: Instagram has a wider variety of filters and special effects, which adds an artistic flair to photos. However, Snapchat's filters and effects are a bit more interactive, changing the user’s face and voice, making it a fun and memorable experience.

Reels and Stories: Instagram reels, launched in 2020, has gained immense popularity with 60% of Instagram users engaging with reels, while Stories have been a core feature for the platform since 2016. On the other hand, Snapchat's main feature is its “Stories” that disappear after 24 hours.

Audience interaction: Snapchat focuses on private messaging and group chats, while Instagram's Direct Messaging, or “DMs,” is more public.


Both platforms offer advertising opportunities, but Instagram is more popular among advertisers with 2 million businesses advertising on the platform each month. Additionally, Instagram ads have a higher engagement rate than Snapchat ads at 0.57% and 0.5%, respectively.


Both platforms have their benefits, and it depends on what you're looking for! For a more mature audience, Instagram is a popular choice, while Snapchat is favored by younger audiences. Although both platforms are suited for photo sharing, they have different approaches to filters, effects, and messaging.

All in all, it's up to you to decide which platform works best for you and your needs.


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